GLO EXE Super Speed Browsing For October 2013

Posted by Unknown Senin, 30 September 2013 0 komentar
New EXE Feat Glo In Super Speed Browsing Tweak

Create New Access Point With The Following Details-
PORT- 8080
APN-etisalat or glosecure

Launch Your Exe, If you don't Have Click Here to download

Modify Http Servers-
Modify HTTP server(Primary Http server)-

Modify Host Server(Http Host Server)-

Now Goto to MOdify Socket Servers-

First Socket Server(Primary Socket Server)-socket://

Second Socket Server(Secpndary Socket Server)-socket://

Enjoy pals....

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Torres faces four-match ban after clawing at rival Vertonghen in feisty London derby

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Getting to grips: Torres claws Vertonghen's face during Chelsea's draw with Tottenham
Getting to grips: Torres claws Vertonghen's face during Chelsea's draw with Tottenham

Fernando Torres is staring at a four-match ban for gouging and scratching Jan Vertonghen’s face in a development sure to enrage Chelsea and their manager Jose Mourinho.
Sportsmail understands Mike Dean showed Torres his first yellow card for a trip on Tottenham defender Vertonghen, not for raising his hands in the confrontation which followed. None of Dean’s assistants saw the flashpoint and the referee will report these facts to the FA’s disciplinary department on Monday.
From there, it will be immediately passed to a new panel of three former referees, who will judge whether the scratching offence deserves a red card for violent conduct.

Ouch: Vertonghen pushes Torres away as the Spaniard grabs his face
Not up to scratch: Vertonghen pushes Torres away as the Spaniard grabs his face

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Manchester United Not Ready For Champions League- Moyes

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
David Moyes Manchester United boss David Moyes has conceded that his team has very little chance of success in the UEFA Champions League this season.
David Moyes
The Red Devils have endured a difficult start to life under the Scot, who replaced Sir Alex Ferguson at the start of the season, and suffered an embarrassing 2-1 home defeat to West Brom on Saturday.

And with a tough trip to Ukraine on Wednesday to face Shakhtar Donetsk, Moyes admits they are way off the pace.
“To win the Champions League you have to have five or six world-class players,” he says.
“If you look at Bayern Munich, they have five or six really world-class players and, to win it, you might have to have that in your squad. Look at Barcelona, who had it in the past, and Real Madrid have maybe got it now.
“That’s the level you have to get at to win it. We’ve not got that yet.”
What we have got is experience and several players who are in that category or close to it.”

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Paradise lost

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
A story is told of a young lady who by all accounts has the world at her feet.She is beautiful, newly graduated, very articulate and sought after. She belongs to a prominent family, a father at the top of his profession and a sister who dines with kings. Her mother died giving birth to her, so she had been raised by her sister and a revolving door of stepmothers.

She grew up admiring her beautiful and very glamorous older sibling and lives in her shadow; more than anything she seeks her approval and wants to be just as beautiful and glamorous. At the age of twenty five, she had only spent the four years of higher education away from her sister and had developed strong feelings for a fellow student. The feelings were mutual and perhaps if her life’s script had been written by a benevolent fairy they would have lived happily ever after. Her script however was written by a vain, selfish and insecure society lady bent on recreating her waywardness in her naive protégée!

At the end of her education, on her return home, the young man is summarily dismissed by sister dearest; he had no pedigree, no money and did not fit in. Lacking the strong will to stand up for her self, she goes along with it and is instead groomed to marry a very rich, very good looking northerner. It made sense, her late mother was from one of the prominent families in the north. As you can guess, it was a large society wedding and she moved into a palatial home and everything should have been fine except for one little thing; intimacy.

Apparently the dashing young prince did not get the memo on intimacy between man and wife; he had a preference for a man and man option! So she becomes a bird trapped in a golden cage. He was apparently very nice and generous on all other fronts but he just couldn’t touch her. When the situation becomes intolerable she confided in her sister and is shocked to see no surprise. She knew!! The marriage was a merger, she was the facade of respectability bought for the prince at a very large price. The only advice she gets is to behave and discreetly seek her pleasures in the arms of any other man willing.

Very many years later, levels had changed. She came across that young man she had so loved back in the day and he was very accomplished. He now worked for a multinational concern and lived with his young family in the big apple. He was a key note speaker at an international summit in Lagos. She said she did not really hear his speech; she just looked at him and reminisced; she allowed her self the luxury of imagining how wonderful life would have been if she had followed her heart and stood up to her sister. She did her best to avoid him seeing her but fate was most cruel; they were staying on the same floor and she ran into him on her way out the next morning.

He was genuinely pleased to see her but was in a hurry to catch a flight, so they could only exchange fleeting pleasantries.He showed her pictures of his pregnant wife and their son and they waved goodbye. I should perhaps tell you she had left her sham of a marriage and was now very single and in my view a tad bitter. The yearning she felt when she described the young man she jilted felt like a fall from paradise. She honestly believes he was her chance at happiness; her paradise lost!

Presence of mind is a virtue and while God knows I have made my share of serious gaffs; I have always believed that life offers more than one chance at joy, at paradise! The women I describe are not fiction; they are very real. I am not a fan of the older sister anymore but I also used to look up to her. She travelled at the drop of a heart and knew the rich and famous the world over. International designers sent her private invitations to preview collections and she just seemed to have it all. Just like her sister I also only saw the glamour back then, I didn’t probe the facade to discover that she was nothing but a good time girl with zilch education and an unscrupulous desire for money no matter the cost. In her fifties now, she defies time by still being beautiful but her insecurity is a lot more obvious as she still believes money answereth all things. Ironically she is the one married with children while her sister remains single and childless.

If we all agree that paradise is a joyous state of contentment; then its possible to live it while on earth. The twist of fate is that we never actually realise we are living in paradise till we lose it. I hold the opinion that you cant appreciate the sweet if you don’t taste the bitter. That mindset has helped me bounce back from disappointments, heartbreaks and failures.

Any situation can be paradise if we have the presence of mind to be grateful and appreciative. In this last week Kenya has seen hell unfold on television; the world has been riveted to television with scenes of carnage and mayhem and I can safely say for those involved, the few minutes before they stepped into West-gate mall was paradise. I believe in 2nd, 3rd and even 100s of chances; thats what makes life paradise.We can start again and who knows? Is anything actually lost if we are meant to have it? A beautiful old lady once told me a truth I hold dear even after many decades. “What God wont give you, no man can give you, and what God will give you no man can takefrom you! That includes paradise.

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soyinka mourns

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
LAGOS  (AFP) –  Nigerian Nobel literature laureate Wole Soyinka and other writers on Friday paid tribute to renowned Ghanaian poet and statesman Kofi Awoonor, among the 67 killed in last weekend’s Kenyan mall attack.

Awoonor, 78, was killed and his son was wounded in the Westgate mall in Nairobi by the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab on September 21. He was in Kenya for a literary festival at the time of his death.kofi-awoonor

“We denounce these enemies of humanity,” Soyinka said, accompanied by several writers and authors at a press conference in Freedom Park in central Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city.

Soyinka, who became Africa’s first winner of the Nobel prize for literature in 1986, called for renewed efforts to end such violence.

“It is not the first time that Nairobi has been assaulted,” he said, recalling previous deadly attacks in the Kenyan capital by those he called “cowards who turned their guns on unarmed people.”

Other writers read poems in honour of Awoonor and said his death was a major blow to African literature.

John Pepper Clark, a Nigerian poet, recalled Awoonor’s contributions to diplomacy and politics in his home country, adding that his legacy would live on.

Awoonor was a renowned writer, most notably for his poetry inspired by the oral tradition of his Ewe people.

He was also Ghana’s representative to the United Nations from 1990 to 1994 as well as president advisory body to the president, a post he left earlier this year

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lamido blames asuu for lack of trust

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Dutse – Gov. Sule Lamido of Jigawa on Saturday appealed to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to end the ongoing strike in the interest of the students.

Lamido made the appeal when he received a delegation from the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) in Dutse.

He said it was unfortunate that the industrial action was still on almost three months since it began.

The governor blamed the protracted strike on lack of trust between the Federal Government and ASUU.

“It is really unfortunate that the strike has lasted up until this time. There is no trust between the two bodies and when there is no trust it will be difficult to have a common ground.

“As a parent, I am so worried seeing our children that supposed to be in school at home.

“I am appealing to ASUU to go back to the classroom while the negotiation with the government continues,” he said.

Lamido, however, pleaded with the Federal Government to continue to dialogue with the union, even after the strike had been called off.

He said this would enable the two parties to sort out the gray areas in the dispute, adding that ASUU and the Federal Government should approach the dialogue with sincerity.

Earlier, the leader of the delegation, Mr Ahmed Jibril, appealed to Lamido to intervene to end the lingering industrial action.

Jibril, who is the Vice President National Affairs, NANS, said that it was unfortunate for students to be allowed to stay at home for more than three months as a result of the strike.

According to him, parents and students are left to bear the consequences of the strike.

He told Lamido that they were in the state on tour of education facilities. (NAN

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messi answers in court

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar (AFP) – Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi appeared in court Friday to answer charges of evading 4.16 million euros ($5 million) in taxes in a case that stunned the sporting world.was released in Spain the day before Messi was due to appear in court with his picture on the front cover.

Crowds of reporters and fans gathered as the 26-year-old Argentine international, four time winner of the FIFA World Player of the Year, arrived by car shortly before 11:00 am (0900 GMT).
Dressed in a dark jacket and white shirt, Messi made no comment as he walked up to the entrance of the court in Gava, the coastal suburb of Barcelona where he lives, for the closed-door hearing.
His father Jorge Messi, who was summoned to go before the judge ahead of the player, had arrived an hour earlier with his lawyers.
The two were summoned on charges of evading tax on the player’s image rights to the tune of 4.16 million euros.
They have denied wrongdoing, pointing the finger at a former agent of the player.
The court said Jorge Messi paid the tax authoirties five million euros in August — the 4.16 million euros claimed by the taxman plus interest — which is likely to significantly reduce any sentence should they be found guilty.
‘I am not worried’
Lionel Messi’s form on the field has scarcely been affected, with the Barcelona forward scoring 10 goals in just seven matches this season as the Spanish champions remain unbeaten.
“I am not worried, I’m always on the sidelines of all that, just like my dad. We have our lawyers and our advisors who handle these things. We trust in them and they will solve the issue,” he said in July.
 and video games maker EA Sports. Its latest version of the immensely popular FIFA franchise
Nor does it appear to have tarnished his image among Barcelona fans.
“What I want is for this to be resolved quickly so Messi can relax and focus on the football,” said one fan outside the court, Joaquin Bosch, 60, wearing a Barcelona shirt.
The case began in June when a prosecutor accused the Messis of evading tax by ceding the player’s image rights to “purely instrumental entities” in Belize and Uruguay.
According to the prosecutor’s report, Messi “obtained significant income” from image rights between 2006 and 2009 on which he should have paid tax in his declarations to the Spanish authorities and failed to do so.
The news caused astonishment in Spain where Messi is seen as a more humble figure than other football stars, particularly his Real Madrid rival Cristiano Ronaldo.
“He has a very professional image, of being focused on what he does and very close to the public,” said Carles Canto, a marketing expert for IMG Consulting.
‘Like siesta or paella’
Despite the initial consternation, the player’s popularity doesn’t appear to have diminished.
“Messi’s image amongst Barcelona fans is so solid that it is very difficult for it to be clouded by this case,” said Enric Baneres, a sports journalist for Catalan daily La Vanguardia.

“Tax evasion is something so common in Spain, like the siesta or paella, that the people are very permissive with it.”
The player’s defence looked set to point the finger at his former agent Rodolfo Schinocca.

According to a document sent by Messi’s father to the court, obtained by Catalan daily El Periodico, Schinocca was put in charge of organising the “structure and management” of the income from Messi’s image rights.
Schinocca told Spanish radio station Cope that he had nothing to do with the case because he stopped working with the Messis in 2006, before the supposed offences took place. He accused Jorge Messi of wanting an offshore account to manage the income from the image rights.
While Messi’s 323 goals in 387 games for Barca have made him irreplaceable on the field, his income from endorsements off it has also soared.
Between 2007 and 2009 he earned more than 10.17 million euros in image rights. US magazine Forbes lists him as the 10th highest paid sportsman in the world with an annual income of $21 million from endorsements alone.
Despite the court case, Messi continues to lead advertising campaigns for brands like Adidas

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ronaldo blames team mate

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
On Saturday, the home crowd at the Bernabéu vented their frustration by whistling at the players throughout the match against Athletico Madrid. The visitors won 1-0. But the loudest blast came when manager Ancelotti decided to substitute midfielder Isco for striker Morata in the second half The Madrid fans let rip at the coach for the poor play and tec
hnical decisions. After a spending spree of almost €175 million on signings, Ancelotti’s project just isn’t pulling the punches for the fans. It’s just over a month and a half since the season started and the white congregation is already voicing its doubts.

Cristiano Ronaldo faced the facts after the match: “It wasn’t our day. We weren’t on. The manager has nothing to do with it. He is doing a great job. The fault is on the players, we are the ones that have to improve”.

“We have to keep our heads up because the league is complicated. The good thing is that this loss has come early. I have a lot of hope for winning something important this year. I played poorly and so did my teammates”, he said.

“Personally I am happy with Ancelotti, he is one of the best coaches I have ever had”, he concluded.

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JIm Iyke is now an ambassador of Christ after being delivered of evil spirit

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The bible says: there is joy in Heaven when one soul is converted on earth, Jim Iyke happens to be one of the Nollywood bad boys who doesn’t stick to one woman when it co
mes to relationship, he has been successful on his career but God still wants to take impact in his life, he was reportedly delivered on Sunday by Apostle Daniel of SCOAN, The actor expressed is zeal of serving God as he updated in is twitter profile that he is now an ambassador of God….see picture below..

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Anticipation of nigeria's 53years independence/Asuu strike" completes 3month and still running..does independence worth celebrating???

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
 Nigeria(naija) also known as the "Gaint of africa" with over 170 million people estimated as at 2012,having (923,768 square km) of land area.Nigeria as a whole has over 500 ethnic groups in nigeria which the three largest ethnic groups are the Igbo,Hausa and yoruba with 774 local government area(LGA) having its federal capital territory at abuja.Nigeria is the most populous country in africa and seventh in the world. with all this analysis truly,you will agree that nigeria are the "Gaint of africa" bt the questions remains: is Nigeria living up to that name?                                                            

              *Security,crime,terrorism and corruption*....can't be overly emphasize take a flash back to the boko haram bomb blast incident (late 2011) where life/property were losted,as if that was not enough ,the "Fuel subsidy saga"(jan 2o12) was a bad New year gift for all nigerians in the country and even Nigerians in diaspora,2o12 started on a bad note for nigerians as a whole because in the process of the subsidy fuel saga"life/property were  lost and businesses crumble due to the fuel subsidy saga" the year 2013 is with us and its almost rapping up...the basically controversial issue now is the EDUCATIONAL SECTOR".   The academic staff union of polytechnics(ASUP) went on strike pertaining to improvement of facilities/salaries issues.the strike lasted for 87days (2month 27days) almost 3month and was later suspended also Theacademic staff union of universities(ASUU) embarked on an indefinite strike due to failure on the part of FG to play their role on the agreement made since 2009,the 12 meeting of the Asuu and FG all ends in deadlock the strike is 3month now and still running (hope and promises is all will hear on a daily basis)....    The nigeria's educational system may finally collapse,should the "senior staff association of nigeria universities (SSANU) and the nigeria union of teachers (NUT) eventually carry out their threats on joining the ongoing industrial impasse that has seen public universities in the country shut down for three month now that affected all universities except unilorin and 9 others newly created federal universities, NO wonder some few elite(s) send their children aboard while some send their own children to neighboring countries that are not up to nigeria  in form of currency,population and economy standards,looking at the world index president obama commends nigeria on having a buoyant/stable economy,bt is that really true? When majority are dying due to hunger because of being poor, few hours to the independence ,millions if not billions will be spend during this celebration,leaving important/crucial issue unresolved..what then is the achievement for this year and what is the essence of celebrating  when things are actually going from bad to worst???? Leave your comment in the box below,

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Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 September 2013 0 komentar
The new airtel blackberry plan which cost N1500 for a month with 4GB worth of data gives more value for our money at least it's better than the later. Using it with other devices will make more sense like android device,computer e.t.c. So this post will show you  how to use the new monthly airtel bb subscription
plan on other devices. The process is simple, now lets get down down to it.


1. Load 1500 Naira Airtl credit

2. Now dial *440*16#

The 1500 Naira will be deducted but it won't work until you subscribe for airtel 10mb daily plan, just after the later subscrition it will start working. THATS ALL.

To check your data balance just dial *141*712*0#.

NOTE: You will use the default access point don't change anything.

Make a comment below, your comments will be appreciated. You can also SUBSCRIBE with your email so that you receive any latest important post straight to your inbox when ever it is been released.

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Iyanya Spotted With Lamborghini Gallardo, Price N39m In Lagos!! (Photos)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Iyanya showed off this awesome car he got to check out at a friend’s house in Lagos on his Instagram page.The italian super cool ride costs between 191,900 to 248,000 dollars.


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Photos: Angelo Collins and Beverly Osu kiss at her birthday party

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

BBA Housemates Beverly Osu and Angelo Collins photographed kissing passionately at her birthday party at Aura night club last night...see more photos after the cut...

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Boko Haram attacks College of Agriculture in Yobe, over 30 students killed

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Boko Haram gunmen this morning Sunday September 29th stormed the student dormitory of the College of Agriculture in Gujba, Yobe State, shooting students as they slept, killing at least 30 of them. The death toll could be way higher as several dead bodies were recovered from hostels, classrooms, bushes and corners around the school.

Area Military spokesman Lazarus Eli confirmed the incident and said that security forces have been deployed to the school to protect surviving students until they can all leave the campus. Eli said the attack was carried out by “Boko Haram terrorists who went into the school and opened fire on students while they were sleeping"

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Nominations for the nigerian blog awards has commenced and mobiletrophy is calling all its visitors to nominate it for the award of best new blog. to nominate click HERE
     Fill out necesary information and you are done.
N.B: You are nominating mobiletrophy for best new blog which is number 14th category. your nomination will not be counted except you click on the link that will be sent to your email address. All nominations closes on the 13th of october 2013. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SURPPORT.

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pictures of two different oceans merge(join) together!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 September 2013 0 komentar

The picture shown in the story is a genuine one, and the message that comes with it is also a fact. The picture shows two different ocean water bodies meeting in the middle of Alaskan Gulf, where a foam is formed at the merging junction.

This happens when glaciers of fresh water start melting and flow to join the ocean water which is more salty. Because of the difference in the salinity and densities of these two meeting ocean water bodies, a surface tension is developed between them that acts like a thin wall and does not allow them to mix. But given enough time, they will eventually mix together.This picture of two oceans meeting, but not mixing was caught by a photographer on Alaskan Cruise and shared it on Flickr which went viral, spreading on many other social networking platform

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UNBELIEVABLE: 7 Members of Ogbonnaya's Family Run Mad

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

For the family of Mr Ogbonnaya Ani in Umuose Urobo in the Uburu area of Ohaozara LGA of Ebonyi State, life can’t be more cruel to 7 members of the household now afflicted with madness one after the other. The Ani family is being ravaged by the spirit of madness. 

The sad story of the family of Mr Ogbonnaya goes thus: 
Ogbonnaya Ani’s elder brother’s daughter is mentally challenged. His younger brother’s son is in the same condition. Three of his own children, a male and two females, are equally afflicted. His daughter-in-law is not left out. So, there are six mentally ill persons in the family and, perhaps, still counting. Worst still, one of Ani’s mentally challenged daughters is heavily pregnant and no one seems to know who impregnated her...

And before his first wife died, she exhibited some signs of madness.

Recently, Mr Ogbonnaya told the stranger than fiction story. There is no doubt that the madness ravaging his immediate and nuclear families have left its toll on the old man. Sadness is evident in his sunken eyes. He looked frail and his voice quakes in palpable agony as he spoke. But for the magnanimity of a relation, Mr Ani and his household would not have had a place to lay their heads. This is because his mentally challenged son, Igwe Ani, alias Martin Martin, set his house ablaze. And before help could come, the structure had been reduced to ashes.

So, currently, Ogbonnaya and his family are squatters somewhere in Uburu, Ohaozara LGA of Ebonyi State.

When the reporter visited the family last Wednesday, Ozieme, his beautiful but insane daughter, was hanging around. With her tummy protruding as a result of advanced pregnancy, she looked vacantly into space, perhaps unaware of her environment and condition. A few times she smiled and muttered to herself. When asked to pose for a photograph, Ozieme obliged.

Tale like no other
“This place we are is not my house,” Ogbonnaya began. “My place is further up, after Oriebe. I relocated to this place because of the problem that I’m facing. I had a small mud house and I made it good enough for people to stay in before the problem started through my son, Igwe. It first started with Igwe and his sister, Ozieme joined later. While Igwe’s problem started at home, Ozieme’s started from outside the community. When she travelled and returned, she began to behave abnormally.”

In an agony laden voice, Ogbonnaya continued: “I don’t know how it started but we suspected or thought that Igwe joined his mates to smoke all sorts of things. I cautioned him to stop it if he was indulging in such act but there was no difference. We used to beat him to stop smoking to know if he would but to no avail. He started manifesting madness about eight years ago. He was still in primary school when it started; he was in Primary Four when he broke loose. Because of the problem, he couldn’t continue with his education. I cannot really say if he brought it upon himself by smoking certain substances or it is a problem destined to come”.

He said that the problem reached a crescendo when Igwe burnt down his house. “He used to pack all sorts of rubbish and dump in the house. It was impossible to chase him out of the house because he used to wield cutlasses and wood, threatening to harm anyone who gets close to him. At a point, he had outgrown everybody. On a certain day, he set the house ablaze and before people could come to fight the fire, things had got out of hand. That was how the building containing two rooms, a parlour and big verandah were razed down. Thereafter, we became homeless, so I brought my wife and kids to stay in a relation’s place. That was how we relocated.”

Like brother like sister
Ani said that his daughter was okay until a certain man from Nsukka in Enugu State came to seek her hand in marriage. According to him, the man eloped with the girl, adding that by the time she returned home, she had lost her mind even as she nursed a baby.

His words: “In the case of Ozieme, there was a time she travelled to Enugu to stay with her brother. There she started a relationship with one man from Nsukka and they agreed to marry. She brought the man home and introduced him to us. After meeting with us, the man said that he was going to prepare and come back for the formalization of the relationship. She insisted on going with the man; we asked her to wait for the man to go and come but she refused. We didn’t see the man again.

"When she was coming back, she came with a baby and started behaving in a manner we could not understand. We tried all we could to deal with the situation to no avail. This thing happened about five years ago and we have not set eyes on the man ever since. She didn’t have the soundness of mind to breastfeed and properly care for the baby and she died. Right now, she is heavily pregnant, she will be putting to bed anytime and we do not know who is responsible for the pregnancy.

"Again, another of my daughter who is married and a seamstress is also behaving abnormally.

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Annie Shows Off Her First "Legitimate" Pregnancy For 2Face

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

This could probably be described as 2Face and Annie's first "legitimate" pregnancy. Good luck to them!

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MI, Burna Boy, others, celebrate Nigeria with Close Up Loves Naija Concerts

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

You remember the Close Up Loves Naija concert last year which featured musical acts as TuFace Idibia, Naeto C, Omawunmi, Ice Prince and DJ Jimmy Jatt, and the popular theme song produced by Cobhams Asuquo? Well, preparations for this year’s concert are in full gear.

With Nigeria’s 53rd Independence anniversary just a few days away, Nigeria’s top music artistes have gathered to celebrate with concerts in different locations across the country. 

The concerts will feature MI, Olamide, Burna Boy, Chidinma, Phyno and DJ Jimmy Jatt at Silverbird Galleria in Lagos, Port Harcourt and Abuja on the 1st of October, 2013. The events will comprise full games and activities from 10am and free for all to attend, so mark it down in your calendar.

For more information log on to The Countdown begins! Naija get ready!!! See more photos from last year’s concert after the cut..

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“All she wants to do is smoke and f**k” – Wizkid reveals it all

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Wizkid just gave the public the tips of her Girlfriends favorite activities, who knows if that is not just some kind of Lyrics..


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Check-out Photos of the world Biggest Snake? 55ft..300kg?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

 55 Feet Snake found in Forest of Malaysia - Facts AnalysisA photograph purporting to show a 55ft snake found in a forest in China has become an internet sensation. It was originally posted in a thread on the website of the People’s Daily, the official Communist Party newspaper in China.
The thread claimed the snake was one of two enormous boas found by workers clearing forest for a new road outside Guping city, Jiangxi province. They apparently woke up the sleeping snakes during attempts to bulldoze a huge mound of earth. “On the third dig, the operator found there was blood amongst the soil, and with a further dig, a dying snake appeared,” said the post. “At the same time, another gold coloured giant boa appeared with its mouth wide open. The driver was paralysed with fear, while the other workers ran for their lives. “By the time the workers came back, the wounded boa had died, while the other snake had disappeared. The bulldozer operator was so sick that he couldn’t even stand up.”

The post claimed that the digger driver was so traumatised that he suffered a heart attack on his way to hospital and later died.
The dead snake was 55ft (16.7m) long, weighed 300kg and was estimated to be 140 years old, according to the post.

The photograph claims to show a 55ft giant snake that is found in a forest of Malaysia (some versions of messages say China). This story became an internet sensation when it started spreading through emails, forums and social networking websites. However, the story is a hoax. No such story was found to be reported in the website of People’s Daily as mentioned in the story. The photograph is cleverly manipulated to mislead people. The snake is seen hanging from the digging bucket down to the extreme foreground which induces viewers to consider the people in the cab behind as an indication of scale. If we could see the actual size of the bucket, it would be easy to estimate the relative size of the snake. The normal size of a bull dozer bucket will be around 3-5 feet, and the snake in the picture is about 5 times the size of the bucket, which makes it around 15 to 25 feet at the maximum. Moreover, the snake cannot be Boa because they do not belong to that part of the world. The markings on the backside of the snake indicate that it is a reticulated python. Therefore, this picture message claiming to show 55 feet snake in the forest of Malaysia is a definite hoax.

Reticulated pythons are indeed the world’s longest snakes. These pythons vary in size, and can grow up to 23 ft (6.95 m), the largest witnessed was 29 ft (8.7 m). Sometimes, the claims made by animal parks and zoos are exaggerated when it comes to the measurement of these giant snakes, like a monster reticulated python in Indonesia that was first claimed to be nearly 49 foot (14.9 m) and weighing 990 pound (450 Kgs). This was later shown to be not more than 7 m in length and 100 Kgs in weight.

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Has SEXY replaced DECENCY?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

These days, many young women don’t feel fashionably sexy without exposing a bit more skin. But the bit more comes out a lot more ,that seems the more skin showing the more attractive it looks like, right? Well, the answer is a blatant NO!
The Less Skin You Show, The More Attractive You Are.
Ladies, we need to understand that what we  wear sends a lot of message. Showing more skin may catch even the farthest naked eye, but it’s not the best way to look fabulous. It’s possible to be sexy without showing a whole lot of skin.
Showing less skin is modesty. What looks appropriately modest and what doesn’t may raise different opinions depending on one’s own individuality, but as far as modestly goes, dressing appropriately is dressing with less skin showing.

Fashion today have gotten too provocative. Stylish tops have gone with very low necks showing so much cleavage, or too short clothing bringing girls to walk around with their butts hanging out from their too short mini skirts and shorts. If men have been going backward with the masculine rules that it’s inappropriate for them to wear short shorts, they found it hard to understand how it has become appropriate for women to wear the shortest of shorts that reveal almost everything.
With the fad on more skin exposed, I think there’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, provided you don’t overdo it. I made myself my own golden rule, if I wear something above the knee the top MUST go conservative, or something with sleeves. If I were to wear a halter top or a backless I would always wear something that falls an inch below the knee, or I’d wear jeans.
If you have well toned-up legs, wearing short shorts can bring an inspiration of total beauty as long as you wear the outfit to appropriate places. Some perceive that showing “some” legs and back once in a while is considerably sexy…but bust and butts? That I think is overrated!
Why Showing Less Skin Is Sexy
Men and women kind of agree that when you show a lot of skin, you can send the wrong message and get the wrong type of attention. But with less skin? They find a bit of mystery that makes it sexier.
Guys also find girls who don’t show everything off in order to gain their attention charmingly sweet and irresistible and they’ll do everything to connect. You probably know of a lot of guys that think more skin is attractive yet they find it unattractive for their girlfriends or wives to wear revealing tops and jeans. This plainly comes down to one thing – guys are actually attracted to modest clothing.
There are so many ways of being sexy without half undressing yourself. If you’re a young woman, don’t worry if you’re not getting the attention other girls gain by the manner they dress. Thinking beautiful with what you wear will make you feel good, and it’s a lot better to be liked with your modest charm and sweet looks.
It pays to be a role model and teach other girls how to dress with grace and elegance. Not just that, you can shine more by wearing something that’s fashionably sexy yet modestly stylish and flaunt that sexy attitude!

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Micromax To launch Canvas 5 in November end

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Leading Indian smartphone vendor Micromax will soon be announcing the successor of its current flagship Canvas 4 smartphone, which was launched in July this year.
Vikas Jain, Co-founder and Business Director of Micromax told Light Reading India that the company would be announcing the latest flagship smartphone (Canvas 5) around November end. “We have been rolling outnew devices in India. We will be coming with something interesting [Canvas 5] in the coming two months.”The company is expected to launch its latest flagship smartphone before Christmas. It is aiming to become the topsmartphone vendor in India, surpassing Samsung Electronics, which currently leads the market with 26 percent market share

According to IDC, Micromax's market share surged to 22 percent in the second quarter from 18 percent in the previous quarter. Notably, Samsung's market share came down significantly to 26 percent from 32 percent in the first quarter.

The upcoming Canvas smartphone is expected to give Micromax much required boost to become the market leader. “We are already laden with surging demand for our latest devices, Canvas 4. We expect same response for our upcoming flagship,” Jain said.The executive didn’t spill more beans on the device specification, but the upcoming device is expected to feature NFC and 4G LTE capabilities.Very recently, 
Micromax launched its firstquad-core Canvas tablet, called the Canvas Tab P650 for Rs 16,500. (Read:Micromax Launched Canvas Tab P650)Speaking on the company’s association with Microsoft, which recently bought Nokia, Jain said that Microsoft intends to partner with Micromax for Windows Phone for mass market. “They do share the mass market vision with Micromax,” he added.Microsoft’s Windows Phone has become the second biggest platform after Google’s Android, which possesses 91 percent market share.On using Mozilla’s Firefox platform, Jain said, “It would depend on whether Mozilla has mass market vision for the Firefox operating system. We want consumers to decide what they want. If there is a demand for Firefox devices, Micromax would be addressing that. As a company, we would not like to provide biased offerings to consumers.”

Expected Specification of Canvas 5

Processor-True Octa Core 
Camera-20 Megapixel with optical Stablizer 
May be an 4G LTE and many more 

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Lamar Odom Breaks Silence, Defends the Kardashians

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 September 2013 0 komentar

Khloe Kardashian Doesn't Know Where Lamar Odom Is; "Exhausted" by OrdealAfter being charged with a DUI, reportedly checking in and out of rehab, and taking a nearly two-month hiatus from Twitter, Lamar Odom is speaking out — and he's got a lot to say.

The NBA-turned-reality-TV star returned to the social media platform on Tuesday to tell the world exactly how he feels about both his own father and his Kardashian family.

"Won't continue 2 speak on this but I have got 2 let this out real quick," Odom began. "I have let this man and many others get away with a lot of s***. He wasn't there 2 raise me. He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons. My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me," Khloé Kardashian's husband lamented.

Continuing to lash out against his biological dad, Joe Odom, who recently granted a scathing interview in which he blamed the Kardashians for Lamar's troubles, the NBA free agent shared, "That man wasn't even invited to my wedding. He has never met my mother in law and some of my other family. How can a man who has NOT once called me to check on my well being have the nerve to talk so recklessly about his own 'son.' He is my downfall! His own demons may be the ONLY thing he gave 2 me. He disrespecting the ONLY FAMILY that has loved me without expecting anything in return."
But it was the tail end of the extended tweet where Lamar turned his attention to the Kardashians and defended the impact they have had on his life.
"They are the ONLY ones that have been here consistently 4 me during this dark time. Only person 2 blame is myself. Say what you want about me but leave the ones who have done nothing but protect and love me out of this! This goes to out to everyone!" he declared.

For many, this defense of the Kardashian family is somewhat unexpected, as Lamar and his wife have reportedly been living apart for the past few weeks while rumors of a separation have been reaching a fever pitch. Just Monday, Khloé changed her name on Instagram from "Khloé Kardashian Odom" to simply "Khloé."

Lamar is slated to appear before a judge on September 27 — the same day as his fourth wedding anniversary — and NBA training camps open next week. While we're sure this drama hasn't played out just yet, hopefully Lamar will be out of one court and onto the other sooner rather than later

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Scarcity Of Husbands at zamfara

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
So husbands are now scarce. This is a serious matter. No fewer than 8,000 women on Thursday marched to the Zamfara Hisbah Commission, seeking the state government’s assistance to enable them to get married.
The patron said the association had over 8,000 women, comprising 5,380 divorcees, 2,200 widows, 1,200 orphans and 80 others, whom he said, were looking for men to marry.
Where are all the single men here ?

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man crushed by train at oshodi,lagos

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is so bad! A certain young man was crushed to pieces while attempting to cross the rail yesterday around Bolade area, Oshodi, Lagos.
There are actually different accounts to the story, some eye witnesses claim that he threw himself in front of the train, while others claim that he was just walking across the railway track with his friends when a train coming from Agege approached and crushed him into pieces – his head, hands and legs were cut off while his stomach was split into two!
See horrific photos below: (Viewer’s discretion advised)
View Pic Here And Here

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Strike: NUT Gives FG, ASUU 2 Weeks Ultimatum

The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on Thursday gave a two-week ultimatum to the Federal Government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, to resolve the strike embarked upon by university lecturers since 1 July.
The NUT President, Mr Michael Olukoya, gave the ultimatum in Abuja at the end of the union’s meeting with teachers’ representatives across the country.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that ASUU, had on July 1, embarked on a strike it described as “comprehensive, total and indefinite”.
The lecturers are protesting the non-implementation of some issues, contained in an agreement the union had entered into with the Federal Government since 2009.
Olukoya said that members of the union would not hesitate to close down the nation’s schools, if the two parties failed to reach agreement after two weeks.
He described the current ASUU strike “as nationalistic, patriotic and self-sacrificing.
“We will not hesitate to shut down the education system in the country, if the government fails to fulfil or honour the agreement it entered into with the lecturers.”
The NUT president said that Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo’s call for a complete over-haul of teachers’ qualification as unacceptable to the NUT.
He said that the blame should be put on the doorsteps of the employers and not teachers.
“NUT will forever be proud of all its teachers, believing that all employment agencies are corruption-free, disciplined and quality conscious in their employment drives.”
Olukoya also urged the governors of Kogi, Benue and Cross River to honour the agreement they made with teachers on the payment of 27.5 per cent teachers salary structure

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Governor Fashola apologizes to the Igbos over destitude deportation

Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola yesterday Thursday Sept. 26th apologized to the Igbos over the deportation of destitute from the state to Anambra State a few months back.

Governor Fashola tendered his apology at a ceremony to mark the Silver Jubilee anniversary of Aka Ikenga, an Igbo social-cultural group in Lagos. He said:
“The truth is that I do not have a problem with the Igbos, they know that because the largest herd of cattle I received during my father’s burial came from the Ndigbo. Those people who came under their many colours are not people I have a problem with, they are my kindred and my people. Also, there were people who did not clearly understand me and they have misunderstood words said or misrepresented actions taken in the way that it has pleased them to do so. To those people, I owe an explanation, not a defence of what has happened and that is partly why I am here.
“We have built a relationship based on tolerance, mutual respect, trust and love. That relationship was started by our ancestors, it was handed over to us and we have nourished it with a lot of trust, with a lot of understanding and with a lot of fidelity.

“Those who misunderstand that relationship, think that there is no value in that relationship, I have come here to correct that because I place a lot of value on that relationship. If those people have misunderstood me or they have misunderstood actions taken by our government, here, now and today, I offer an unqualified and unreserved apology."

“Why should people feel compelled to migrate from one place to the other? Is there one part of this country that is less endowed whether in human or natural resource? Is that the problem? Is it the case that perhaps some parts are so endowed or not adequately managed?"

“Those are the honest debates that we must have. The political storm is gathering and allusions have been made to the issues I address, not only by the chairman, but by the President of Ohaneze Ndigbo. How can development be so difficult in the part of Nigeria that gave us Ike Nwachukwu, Chinua Achebe, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Odumegwu Ojukwu, Alex Ekwueme and so on, how can development be so difficult in that part of this country? I think those are the real issues.”

“I think we have been in the news of our relationship for the wrong reasons in the last few weeks, but if you listen to the voices of those who speak the loudest, you would see that they do not speak about us, they do not speak about the problems, but about themselves. The majority of us are concerned about how to make it better, that is what concerns us always in Lagos, and it is not an easy decision for me.”

"The pursuit of making it better makes us adopt policies which are always subject to the human text of fallibility”.

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Singapore's Newest Billionaire Made $2.1B Fortune From Nothing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

GOH CHANG LIANG is one of Singapore’s best-known and least-celebrated tycoons. He has neither featured in any rich lists nor ever talked to the press,  save for a one-off interview in 1997.  Yet some of Singapore’s most prominent landmarks, like the high profile hospital Mt. Elizabeth and the Liang Court shopping mall at Clarke Quay, have been built by this reclusive businessman.
Goh never went to school. He was born to a poor family in a one-room tenement in 1928, one of four siblings. As a boy, he sold fishing nets and worked in a hardware store, learning business skills that were to shape his destiny. In 1949, when the British were auctioning off surplus stocks from World War II, Goh bought all the barrels of rotten paint for a song. With a Chinese dictionary of chemicals in hand, he went about mixing solvents, pigments and chemicals to make his own brand of paints called Pigeon. 
The following year, the Korean war broke out and an import ban landed Goh a whopping profit windfall.
Business was booming when an opportunity to tie up with Nippon Paint of Japan surfaced. Goh took the plunge with a 60-40 holding in a joint venture called the Nipsea Management Group. From nothing rose a paints conglomerate whose Nippon brand is today a household name in Asia. The Nippon brand now sells in 15 countries outside of Japan with some 15,000 employees and factories in 30 locations. Its annual turnover stands at $2.6 billion. Son Goh Hup Jin oversees the company run by professional managers.

Goh’s career has been the gritty journey of an entrepreneur. He never missed an opportunity to create, build and sell businesses to unlock their value. Over the years, he invested some of his profits from the paint business into property by building shopping malls, hotels, serviced residences, as well as a retail distribution business with Japanese partners, a contract manufacturing electronics business, specialty packaging, logistics, a food manufacturing operation in America and even a mining company in China! When his U.S.-educated son, Hup Jin, set about professionalizing some of the group companies and taking them public, Goh carved a parallel private empire with his longtime partners and employees under Yenom Industries. It owns serviced residences, gold courses, marinas, hotels and housing developments in Gulf Habour and elsewhere.

Over the years, Goh has been selling his stake in the publicly listed companies. He sold his 59% holding in Liang Court for $175 million to Pidemco Land in 1999. The $1 billion electronics service maker Omni Industries was sold to Celestica CLS +0.72% of Canada in 2001. Mt. Elizabeth was sold off, too. More recently, along with Crown Holdings of the U.S., he is taking listed Superior Multi-Packaging private.

Goh has come full circle, retracing his steps to his core competency in paints. Early this year, he made a $751 million bid for an additional 30% stake in Tokyo-listed parent Nippon, but quickly retreated in favor of growing the Asian business. He still makes news, though more for his generous endowments to scholarship funds, cancer research and education through the Goh Foundation, rather than his business moves

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Photos: DavidO and his crew hang out with footballer, Samuel Eto'o

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The two stars showing off their Rolex watches as they hang out in London. See more photos after the cut

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Photo: Football legend Lionel Messi arrives in court for tax fraud case

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Four-time FIFA footballer of the year Lionel Messi and his father Jorge arrived in a Spanish court this morning Friday September 27th to answer charges of alleged tax fraud. Messi and his father are being accused of hiding over £3.4 million by filing incomplete tax returns from 2006 to 2009.

The charges against father and son was lodged by a state prosecutor in June 2013 claiming that they tried to conceal earnings from Messi's image rights - charges they both deny.
"I never take care of that (tax) stuff myself and neither does my father," Messi said in July. "We have our lawyers and our wealth managers to take care of that and we trust them and they will sort this out. The truth is I don’t have a clue about all this and that is why we have people taking care of it."
Messi has already paid the Spanish authorities the unpaid tax he's owing plus interest (he paid £4.2m) but because tax fraud is a serious offense in Spain, he still has to make an appearance in court where the courts will determine whether the case is pursued any further. Hopefully it will all end today!

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Kim Kardashian rocks a military style jumpsuit and amazing blonde hair in LA - pic

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
And not a leather trouser in sight. Hooray.

So Kim Kardashian has been keeping a bit of a low profile ever since she gave birth to her and Kanye West's glorious baby girl North, and while it's taken us this long to finally stop sniggering when we say the name North West, it seems Kim's now ready to get back into the spotlight for good.
Yep, Kim was snapped out with sister Kourtney and her FIT boyfriend Scott as they were filming season 3952 of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and although it looked like they were only running some errands, Kim turned up looking pretty darn bodacious.
Kim Kardashian rocks a military style jumpsuit and amazing blonde hair in LA - Kim Kardashian images -
Rocking a military style olive green jumpsuit with cute pocket detailing
and loose belt, Kimmy still made sure to show off a bit of skin by leaving quite a few buttons on the top undone - very sassy.
She teamed the adorable boiler suit with a pair of beige heels and decided to keep her accessories simple, only opting for a sweet gold bracelet and not much else.
Considering the sweltering heat in LA NEVER ENDS (the lucky sods), we imagine Kim wasn't feeling too refreshed in her posh onesie, which might explain why she's letting her buttons ride so low. Oh, the perils celebs will face for fashion, eh?
Kim Kardashian rocks an olive jumpsuit and amazing blonde hair in LA - Kim Kardashian images -
But besides her outfit, Kimmy was also sporting some fresh make up and straight up incredible hair - her newish blonde 'do looks seriously nice against the green of her jumpsuit. So basically it looks like Kim's returned to her usual fashwaan ways, and hopefully it won't turn back into a leather fest. Fingers crossed.
What do you think of Kim's olive jumpsuit? Are you loving or loathing it? Comments please..

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Okada man flings himself in front of oncoming trailer over seizure of his bike

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

A desperate, angry Okada man tried to kill himself yesterday Thursday September 26th by throwing himself in front of a trailer and then, an SUV after his motorcycle was seized in Oyo State.

According to a report by Nigerian Tribune, the unidentified Okada man was stopped by officers of the Oyo State Commercial Vehicle Registration Unit and upon checking his papers, alleged they were fake, after which they seized his Okada.

According to eyewitnesses the man pleaded with the officers for a while but when his begging fell on deaf ears, he attempted suicide by flinging himself in front of two on coming vehicles.

Fortunately there were people around the area to rescue him both times. He later went into shock and started foaming from the mouth. Some policemen arrived the scene and took the man to the hospital.

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Rihanna and Chris Brown accuse each other of cheating in Twitter rant

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 September 2013 0 komentar
Kind of. It's all a bit weird.

Rihanna and Chris Brown's relationship usually makes us slam our fists on the table and scream "WHHYYYY?!" at the sky, and even though we're horrible people who took a bit of joy in the news that they'd split up (well it's never a good look to be all loving towards a former assailant is it really), they're STILL frustrating us even when they're not together. Sigh.

rihanna and chris brown

The pair have been making some "thinly veiled" references to possible cheating SCANDALS on Twitter, with Rihanna kicking off proceedings by posting a photo on her Instagram account that said; "If I drop all my hoes for you and we still don't work out you owe me some hoes."

Affectionate pet name for her friends. Bless.

That might not exactly 'allude' to Chris cheating and just be a reference to how crap of a human being he is, but he responded by tweeting: "She's not mine if she's everybody else's."[sic] OOH. Which again, could refer to her being an ever so famous popstar and quite busy, or could mean she had saucy affairs.

rihanna and chris brown

Rihanna signed off with; "'Settling is not an option! Nothing less than 100% loyalty, honesty, and respect!! Love ain't for kidz #butimsleeptho".

What do you think, is this an argument about being unfaithful or are we reading WAY too much into it all?

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Rihanna's beige knee-high boots and tropical tee - love or loathe?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
She's just being Ri Ri
We'd feel all out of sorts if we saw Rihanna head out in some nice jeans and a blouse, and her latest tropical, colourful outfit perfectly captures her fun style (for when she's actually got clothes on, which admittedly is a bit rare).

Ri headed out for a night on the town with her girlfriends in a printed Mary Katrantzou top, black shorts, and some SERIOUS Tom Ford heels.
rihanna tom ford shoes
Are they shoes? Are they boots? Who's to say, but although swapping them for some white Converse flats or some simple black heels would have made the outfit far more like something we'd be likely to
wear, it just wouldn't be Rihanna without a bit of eccentricity would it?
Posting a pic of her accessories on her instagram account, Rihanna revealed she'd been dipping into the jewellery supplies of designer Jennifer Fisher - or as she later referred to her on Twitter, "my favorite B.I.T.C.H."

rihanna accessories

We are ALL FOR the tee and shorts combo, but the shoes aren't really doing it for us. Plus, on a mere pleb they'd probably look like something you cook a turkey in rather than the designer footwear that they are, so probs best left to the celebs.
What do you reckon? Here she is launching her collection for River Island at London Fashion Week, in a far more subdued black dress.

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