Searching for a new cover for your I Phone here it is........

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013 0 komentar

InkCase i5 – The Revolutionary Case of iPhone 5 & 5S

Are you tired of the usual iPhone cases available in the market? Are you looking for a change? The long wait is over. The InkCase i5 is about to come. This is the brand new type of iPhone case, which will certainly blow your mind.

What Is InkCase i5?

InkCase i5 is the most controversial iPhone case of this generation. It is not just a simple case. It comes with a touch of technology that will surely make every single person say “WOW!” This case needs just a little more development in its app support in order to make the product ready and perfect.
What makes this case different from all the traditional iPhone cases being sold in the market these days? Well, this iPhone case comes with an e-ink display. This e-ink display is placed on the back case. It is designed for the purpose of using it as a secondary case of the phone. It is distributed by Oaxis and manufactured by Gajah International, a company that is based in Singapore.

The Unofficial Apple Weblog

InkCase i5 - The Revolutionary Case of iPhone 5 & 5SIt was Nate Hoffelder who had this case. Nate Hoffelder was the one who wrote a review of a similar case, which is specifically designed for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. This case was sent to him for him to write a review as well. Since Nate Hoffelder had no use for the InkCase i5, the version of the case intended for the use of iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s handsets, he decided to send it to The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW), the site that relays information to the public regarding Apple products. The Unofficial Apple Weblog did not disappoint Nate and wrote a review regarding this case, which is not yet available in the market as of the moment.

The Components Required to Make the Case Work

In order to make this high-technology iPhone case work, there are three things that must be present. The first one is the low-power e-ink display. This is the component that shows text and images. The second component is the Bluetooth. This component is used in order to communicate with the smartphone device. Then lastly, there are the right apps. The app will be used in driving the first component. Though the InkCase i5 currently has apps, it is still lacking some apps. The lack of apps results to the case’ limited functionality. This is the very reason why the case is not yet ready to enter the market. However, if the case gets the apps it needs and everything is already fine, for sure, Oaxis won’t wait a single day to start distributing the case to potential wholesalers and retailers. This case will start the revolution of iPhone cases.
Judul: Searching for a new cover for your I Phone here it is........
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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