Thematic Photographic 270 - In the foreground

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 November 2013 0 komentar
This old barn
Woodstock, ON
June 2013
I'm a sucker for ruined architecture, and fortunately I live in a part of the world that doesn't suffer from any shortage of it. The country roads that ring London are filled with so many examples of houses and barns that have lost their battle with the elements yet, for reasons I'll never understand, remain in place as reminders that nothing lasts forever.

As I pulled up to this particular barn, I realized getting a clear shot would be a bit of a challenge, as the roadside ditch was impassable. The flat, grey light wasn't doing me any favors, either, and the tall wild grasses sealed the deal. So I improvised a little and tried some different framing/composition approaches.

I didn't exactly make lemonade out of lemons, but I salvaged something out of an otherwise cruddy day with lousy sight lines. Maybe it's an allegory for life, that we shouldn't be disappointed when the script gets changed on our behalf by forces we can't even minutely control.

Whatever the case, I thought it would make for a fun Thematic theme. It's called in the foreground, and I hope you're into it.

Your turn: Take a pic that evokes this week's theme - specifically, with something prominently in the foreground. Share it on your blog or website, then leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Visit other participants to spread the photographic joy and learning, and feel free to share more photos as the week wears on. If you're new to the Thematic thing, click here and all will be explained. Have fun with it!

Judul: Thematic Photographic 270 - In the foreground
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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