Cheap I phone Soon to hit the market

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 25 Juli 2013 0 komentar

In the past few weeks the Internet has been abuzz with leaks relating to Apple’s rumored cheaper iPhone, though much of them have been restricted to the specs and photos of the multi-colored plastic back panel. Now, GSMArena has spotted a YouTube video that takes a look at this plastic back panel in detail.
Uploaded by DetroitBORG, the nearly six and half minute video takes an in-depth look at the plastic back panel and its innards. In terms of design, the back panel looks a mix of iPhone 3GS and the 5th generation iPod Touch. The quality of the plastic is quite good though it is nowhere close to the premium-ness of the iPhone 5, but then that is to be expected.
The chrome outline on the camera, flash and the earphone jack are missing and instead of the circular volume buttons, the low cost iPhone will feature pill-shaped buttons in the same color as the back. The placement of the buttons, SIM card tray, speaker grille and the lightning port remain much the same. The video uploader reiterates that the back panels will be available in multiple color variants.
The video doesn’t reveal anything new in terms of specifications and much of what we know remains the same. A recent report claimed that the device will be offered in two variants codenamed ‘Zenevo’ and the ‘Zagato/Bertone’. The variants are said to look the same but will feature slight differences on the hardware front. Zenovo is reported to feature a dual-core Samsung H5P processor, 1GB of RAM and Bluetooth 4.0, while the Zegato/Bertone, is said to feature an H6P processor and 1GB of RAM, and Bluetooth 4.0.

Judul: Cheap I phone Soon to hit the market
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