What do you buy a geek?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013 2 komentar
It's quite a kick being a writer, because I get to spend my days pulling words together in my quiet home office with my dog at my feet, or at the kitchen table with the dog at my feet, or in the Starbucks while I'm slurping a tea and free Wi-Fi with the dog most definitely not at my feet.

And when the words are arranged just so, I send them off to some faraway place, where before long they get published in some pretty neat places.

It's magic. Every time. And it'll never get old.

Sometimes the words end up in a new place. Like this week, when Reader's Digest Canada published my work for the first time. The article, 10 Holiday Gifts For Tech Lovers, will hopefully ease the holiday-time angst many of us feel when we head to the mall. Until the utopian future of my dreams where this ridiculous year-end retail tradition is finally put to rest, I'll keep writing articles like this. I promise I won't show up at the Starbucks with the dog.

Enjoy the read.

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Searching for a new cover for your I Phone here it is........

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

InkCase i5 – The Revolutionary Case of iPhone 5 & 5S

Are you tired of the usual iPhone cases available in the market? Are you looking for a change? The long wait is over. The InkCase i5 is about to come. This is the brand new type of iPhone case, which will certainly blow your mind.

What Is InkCase i5?

InkCase i5 is the most controversial iPhone case of this generation. It is not just a simple case. It comes with a touch of technology that will surely make every single person say “WOW!” This case needs just a little more development in its app support in order to make the product ready and perfect.
What makes this case different from all the traditional iPhone cases being sold in the market these days? Well, this iPhone case comes with an e-ink display. This e-ink display is placed on the back case. It is designed for the purpose of using it as a secondary case of the phone. It is distributed by Oaxis and manufactured by Gajah International, a company that is based in Singapore.

The Unofficial Apple Weblog

InkCase i5 - The Revolutionary Case of iPhone 5 & 5SIt was Nate Hoffelder who had this case. Nate Hoffelder was the one who wrote a review of a similar case, which is specifically designed for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. This case was sent to him for him to write a review as well. Since Nate Hoffelder had no use for the InkCase i5, the version of the case intended for the use of iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s handsets, he decided to send it to The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW), the site that relays information to the public regarding Apple products. The Unofficial Apple Weblog did not disappoint Nate and wrote a review regarding this case, which is not yet available in the market as of the moment.

The Components Required to Make the Case Work

In order to make this high-technology iPhone case work, there are three things that must be present. The first one is the low-power e-ink display. This is the component that shows text and images. The second component is the Bluetooth. This component is used in order to communicate with the smartphone device. Then lastly, there are the right apps. The app will be used in driving the first component. Though the InkCase i5 currently has apps, it is still lacking some apps. The lack of apps results to the case’ limited functionality. This is the very reason why the case is not yet ready to enter the market. However, if the case gets the apps it needs and everything is already fine, for sure, Oaxis won’t wait a single day to start distributing the case to potential wholesalers and retailers. This case will start the revolution of iPhone cases.

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LG G FLEX launch date set on 11/12/2013 in India

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
As LG has already unwrapped the specification and video of new LG G FLEX few week back and soon after that it has started launching to various market in the market now its time to launch in India.

LG G Flex is the first display smartphone for the company and it will be the first curved smartphone to launch in India. LG G Flex uses a flexible OLED screen technology which is 7.9 to 8.7 mm thick at various points, weighs 177g, and features a 6 inch HD 1280 x 720 display.
The device is powered by a 2.26 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, a 2 GB of RAM coupled with 32 GB inbuilt storage and a 3,500 mAh battery. The device is equipped with a 13 MP primary camera along with a 2.1 MP front camera and the G Flex runs on Android 4.2.2.
Its back side has got healing capacity that even if you scratch it with some hard substance in a minute it will heal it self and look like there was no scratch before this kind of thing is the first used by any company to make your phone scratch phone and make it look new always.
  • 6 Inch capacitive curved P-OLED Display
  • 2-3 Gb of Ram
  • Full HD Display 
  • MSM8974 Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 quad core processor clocked at 2.2 GHz with Adreno 330 GPU.
  • 13 MP Back and 2 MP front Camera.
  • 4G, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS 
  • Dolby sound enhancement
  • The non removable battery is of 3500 mAh capacity.

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The sun sets on Sun Media

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The headline, Sun Media announces 200 layoffs, is sad enough, but it's the bigger picture that's the real tragedy.

This is the company's third layoff announcement in 13 months. In November 2012, 500 people lost their jobs when production plants in Ottawa and Kingston were closed. Last July, they were at it again, this time shuttering 8 local newspapers and three commuter papers, and taking 360 people out in the process. What used to be an annual "tradition" has now become twice-yearly. And right before the holidays. Nice.

A little bit of disclosure: I used to write an op-ed column for the London Free Press, which is now owned by Sun Media, which is a unit of Quebecor. It was (and is) a paper that was (and still is) staffed by great, community-minded journalists who wanted (and still want) to make a difference. Freeps reporters often call me to comment on tech stories they're working on, and I very much enjoy working with all of them.

The problem is this: these days, thanks to decisions being made in corner offices far away, by people who have probably never had a byline, there are far fewer of them. And those who remain live under the Sword of Damocles, wondering if the next, inevitable round of cuts will finally catch up with them. In the meantime the product, starved of resources, gets thinner and less relevant with each passing day despite the near-heroic efforts of the employees who remain. How they continue to perform as they do amid the day-to-day gloom that pervades their environment is beyond me.

To be fair, Sun Media is hardly alone in this. Virtually every major Canadian media organization has announced recurring layoffs over the past year. Two years. Decade. Wherever you are, it's an ugly time to be in media these days thanks largely to a fundamental, Internet-driven shift in who consumes news, how we consume it, and who pays for it. Advertisers, once limited to the big 3 of newspaper, television and radio, are now able to get their message out on a growing range of increasingly interactive and engaging platforms. Real-time, online advertising tools allow incredibly granular visibility into spend, return and engagement.

The Internet, that miracle of modern technology, destroys existing businesses as it creates new ones. None of this is new. What is especially galling about Sun Media's method of navigating the current tumult, however, is its stubborn unwillingness to recognize that the world has changed. The chain's MO is simple: cut successive layers of fat out of the organization until there's no fat left. Proceed into muscle, and then finally bone. Keep using the usual corporate-ese doublespeak to convince everyone there's an actual strategy here. Repeat until there's nothing left to cut.

I'd like to direct your attention to the photo at the top of this entry. It is the chain's Twitter account. Notice a few small details:
  • They have never tweeted.
  • They follow no one.
  • They self-identify as "Canada's largest newspaper publisher."
It reminds me of an ostrich, its head buried deeply in the sand while the world churns around it. With this sad example of media myopia in mind, I feel compelled to share some advice with the powers-that-be back in Quebec:

Dudes, you're not in the newspaper business anymore. You're in the platform business. The online world is rewriting the rules that govern your industry, yet in the middle of endless "cost-cutting", you completely ignore the changes going on around you. The scenario would be comical if successive waves of dedicated and once-and-still-possibly-loyal employees weren't being economically lobotimized in the process.

Every other media organization in the country - and beyond - is being buffeted by the same forces you use as convenient excuses every time you sharpen the layoff knife. Every other media organization, except you, is investing heavily in alternative-delivery platforms so they can adapt to the new reality. Some will succeed, and most will fail. But they're at least giving it a shot, and trying to advance the state of the art in online, socially-engaged, mobile-fuelled communications and media.

Perhaps Julie Tremblay, your CEO, said it best in her statement released Wednesday: "It is very tough to announce job cuts. But as distressing as they are for the employees involved, these restructuring initiatives are necessary to maintain our leading position and ensure the corporation's sustainability."

On the assumption that anyone back at the mothership is listening, gutting your product in the hope that cost-cutting will "ensure the corporation's sustainability" is about as useful a strategy as closing your most profitable stores and hoping the band-aid you've stuffed into the gaping wound will be enough to keep you alive [cough, Sears, cough.]

It won't.

But as long as the spreadsheet jockeys are calling the shots, don't let my plaintive voice keep you from systematically dissolving what was once a great source of inspirational journalism. We all know you're not listening, anyway, but that's hardly material anymore: Canadians interested in media that matters are already disconnecting from the diluted product you insist on selling them. They're more than a little smarter than you seem to think they are.

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Anambra Election Tribunal Orders INEC to Give APC All Access

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The battle for the governorship of Anambra State has shifted to the court. The State Election Tribunal presided over by Justice J.K. Kaigama has given an order directing the Independent National Electoral Commission to allow the All Progressive Congress, APC, access to all documents used for the conduct of the "fraudulent" November 16th, 17th and 30th, 2013, governorship election.
The documents, according to the order of the court, include the voter registers used, the elections result sheets, Form EC 17-Oath of neutrality by all staff, used and unused ballot papers.
Also to the released to the party are list of all ad-hoc and permanent staff used for the elections, staff payment vouchers for the settlement of allowances of all the ad-hoc staff.

To is to allow for inspection, copying and to enable APC fight its case properly. The judge ordered INEC to do so urgently to enable APC, the petitioner move expeditiously.

APC had approached the court for with a motion for the order on the basis of the attached draft, which the court granted as prayed.

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22 Senators Dump PDP for APC in National Assembly

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The battle over which party will be in charge of the National Assembly is still on. It seems the APC has made it in the House of Reps, just waiting for the right time to make the announcement. Now the political power tussle has shifted to the senate where 22 senators elected on the platform of the PDP are said to be on their way to join the APC, thus increasing the chance of the leading opposition party.
“As we speak, those of us who have made up our minds to seek a new platform for our political future are not fewer than 22 in this Senate,” said a PDP senator who's set to join APC.
Although the National Chairman of the embattled PDP, Bamanga Tukur, had on Wednesday paid a visit to the Senate to beg the leadership to stop their members from joining APC, but it ended as a failed attempt.

One of the angry Senators thundered, as he walked out of the meeting with Tukur in Abuja:
“Tukur did not know how I contested and won my election; he will not also know how I will contest and win the next election,” adding that 2015 will be a big shocker for the PDP.
You may wish to know that PDP currently has 72 Senators, APC has 33, LP 3 and APGA 1. But with 22 of them now joining the APC, it means the APC will now have 55, will PDP will be left with just 50.
Also, a credible source disclosed that the APC now have a confirmed majority in the House of Reps. “The new arithmetic of the lawmakers in the House is 137 APC members plus 57 new PDP members that recently joined, making a total of 194 members.”

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On Mom, Dad, and endless childhood

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 06 Desember 2013 0 komentar
"I think all of us are always five years old in the presence and absence of our parents."

Sherman Alexie

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